Cigar Wraps
Cigar Wraps
Cigar Wraps
Rare Flavour
Cigar Wraps
Rare Flavour
Cigar Wraps
Cigar Wraps
Cigar Wraps
Rare Flavour
Cigar Wraps
Rare Flavour
Cigar Wraps
Cigar Wraps
Cigar Wraps
Buy Backwoods Online in Canada
Backwoods Cigars are all-natural tobacco leaf that have become a very popular way to roll and smoke marijuana. They’re known for it’s high quality and rustic appearance.
What Makes them Popular?
There’s something special about rolling your favourite weed into a Backwoods cigar. These blunts give a unique smoking experience by offering an exquisite flavour to each toke you take. The crazy part is that you’ll notice how much higher you’ll get when you smoke your weed out of a blunt.
Let’s take the time to appreciate the rappers in the music scene because they made Backwoods become a perfect duo with weed.
They come in several flavours which include: Sweet Aromatic, Honey Bourboun, Honey, Black Russian, Honey Berry, Grape, Russian Cream, Dark Stout, and Vanilla.
Our top pick: Vanilla – Who doesn’t love this flavour? There’s a reason why it’s found in every popular treats such as cakes, ice cream, coffee, and most importantly your favourite Backwood.
If you’re looking for a premium method of smoking, you should definitely consider purchasing a Backwoods and rolling your weed in it!
Experience Today
Look no further, you can buy Backwoods cigars from Chronic Haze. The best part? We carry a variety of flavours for you to choose from. Order online today at Chronic Haze for same day weed delivery in Mississauga, Brampton, Etobicoke, Oakville and Milton. Try our curbside pickup in Mississauga as well. Not within our service boundaries? Try our order weed online service as we ship Canada-wide, which typically takes 2-3 business days.